Package yops

Class Summary
Arc An Arc is visual component defined by a bounding box with a given upper left corner, a width, and a height, plus a starting point and extent in degrees.
BasicGraphicsPanel A GraphicsPanel is a container in which graphics components can be displayed.
Dialog The Dialog class provides methods for showing dialog boxes to the user and getting typed user input.
Ellipse An Ellipse is a an axis-aligned visual component defined by a bounding box with a given upper left corner, a width, and a height.
Graphic A Graphic is a single visual component with a location and size.
GraphicsPanel A GraphicsPanel is a container in which graphics components can be displayed.
Image An Image is a visual display of a picture represented as a raster of pixels in an (x,y) coordinate system, with (0,0) at the upper left.
Line A Line is a visual display of a line segment defined by the coordinates of two pixels at its end points.
Rectangle A Rectangle is an axis-aligned visual component defined by an upper left corner, a width, and a height.
RoundedRectangle A RoundedRectangle is an axis-aligned visual component defined by an upper left corner, a width, and a height, where the corners are slightly rounded for a softer visual effect.
Shape A Shape is a geometric visual component.
Sound The Sound class provides methods for playing audio clips with an .au file extension.
Text A Text is a graphics component that displays a String value.
YOPS YOPS stands for "Ye Olde Photo Shoppe," an application skeleton that can be used as a starting point for a variety of projects involving image manipulation and graphics.